1 Comment

This is so 😍 beautiful. Thank you for writing this. This thing called Imposter syndrome shows up in every area of our lives like a hawk. It presents itself in our thoughts and we begin to second guess if we are πŸ’ͺ worthy of the tables we sit on especially when it is new. Whether its a new job, a new business, a new house,

a new baby , a new adventure

......... a new thing ✨️ , it is sometimes the loudest voice in our heads as we chart "an unfamiliar territory". We have to tell the voice to shut up and remind ourselves that we are deserving of this TABLE, this new space. We have got to confidently sit in it, walk in it, stand in it, roll in it , bask in it, learn in it, dance in it, relax in it and rejoice in it. The most amazing thing about the Imposter syndrome is its not just you, everyone experiences it.

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